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Drupal Case Study: GeeksandGod.com

Posted on: Tue, 2008-12-09 10:55 | By: matt | In:

Last week, Bob and I launched a new look Geeks and God podcast and community site. When we had first launched the site two years ago, under drupal 4.7, it was a basic site where page nodes were our podcast and we used an outside software like feeder and feedburner to generate our feeds. Since then a community has grown around the podcast, the technology has come a long way, and the dynamic around the site has changed. To embrace this we rebuilt the site, added new features, and re-constructed our data model (we have a data model for the first time).

In Episode 102 of the podcast we walk through many of the technical changes, the modules we used, how and why we built what we built and more.



#1 Awesome work!

Nicely done, it's so slick!

#2 ............Also

If you need a place to stay in NYC for http://groups.drupal.org/node/17473 , I got a wicked pull out couch that's close to the venue.

#3 drupal the best

Congratulations seems a very good job.
Best regards from spain