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What If We Dropped the Word?

Posted on: Mon, 2008-06-02 09:31 | By: matt | In:

My first article appeared on the fshbwl, today, called "What If We Dropped the Word?". It's an article about the word evolution. This comes on the heals of my 2nd guest hosting spot on the Swim Podcast.

All this theological stuff is getting to be a bit fun.


#1 Great analysis


I love the fshbwl article. It reminds me of two things. The first is am example that my grandmother gave me years ago as I was becoming active in church again. She said if I scatter a puzzle onto the floor, how long will it take to evolve into the picture? Obviously without intelligent intervention it won't.

The other item is that words matter and a single word can change the whole landscape. In my "spare" time I serve on my local school board For the period 1997-2007 we were the 4th fastest growing school district in the country, and one of the realities of that growth is a need for space. Fortunately we have had a 3, soon to be 4, charter public school open up in the District. Before I got on the Board, from the communities perspective it was a public school versus charter school battle. Since I have been on the Board, I insist that people I work with call the two models Charter Public Schools, and TRADITIONAL Public Schools. It is funny by just categorizing the Traditional Public schools, the whole debate has shifted to the point that the Teachers Association even says we are not against Charter schools, but traditional public schools .... One word has shifter the whole discussion and worked itself into everyones vernacular. As it seems evolution has as well.

Thanks for the piece and keep up the great work here and on the G & G site.
