Welcome to my corner of the web. Here you'll find my ramblings about faith, church, drupal, Geeks and God (my podcast), and my other unrelated interests.

While you can subscribe to all posts here from the Subscribe link on the right, there are two other main feeds. There is the drupal and other technology feed along with the faith and church feed.

Introducing The Fishbowl

Posted on: Mon, 2008-03-31 07:22 | By: matt | In:

The Fishbowl is a faith based, non-profit community website that recently launched.


The idea behind the fishbowl is to explore faith from a number of different angles. Each day a new piece of content will come out in one of the 7 different categories. On Mondays it's content about World Views, Tuesday it's the Swim Podcast, etc.

My personal favorites are the Intelligent Faith, which deals with science, logic, and apologetics, and Expressions, which is artistic in nature.

The Fishbowl was designed by Mustardseed Media, developed by Innovating Tomorrow, and sponsored by the lcms.


#1 Checked out the site. It

Checked out the site. It offers lots of information and insight. Thanks for the post!